ID | First Name | Last Name | Status |
2 | Isidra | Boudreaux | Active |
3 | Shona | Woldt | Disabled |
1 | Granville | Leonardo | Suspended |
8 | Easer | Dragoo | Active |
4 | Maple | Halladay | Suspended |
5 | Maxine | Woldt | Disabled |
6 | Lorraine | Mcgaughy | Disabled |
9 | Lizzee | Goodlow | Suspended |
10 | Judi | Badgett | Active |
7 | Lauri | Hyland | Suspended |
Check out the getting started demo to see how to setup FooTable.
You simply need to include the sorting add-on javascript file to make your table sortable:
<script src="path_to_your_js/footable.striping.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
You can disable striping for a table by adding the data attribute data-striping="false"
to the table.