
Skycons is a set of ten animated weather glyphs, procedurally generated by
JavaScript using the HTML5 canvas tag. They're easy to use, and pretty
lightweight, so they shouldn't rain on your parade:

    <canvas id="icon1" width="128" height="128"></canvas>
    <canvas id="icon2" width="128" height="128"></canvas>

      var skycons = new Skycons({"color": "pink"});
      // on Android, a nasty hack is needed: {"resizeClear": true}

      // you can add a canvas by it's ID...
      skycons.add("icon1", Skycons.PARTLY_CLOUDY_DAY);

      // ...or by the canvas DOM element itself.
      skycons.add(document.getElementById("icon2"), Skycons.RAIN);

      // if you're using the Forecast API, you can also supply
      // strings: "partly-cloudy-day" or "rain".

      // start animation!;

      // you can also halt animation with skycons.pause()

      // want to change the icon? no problem:
      skycons.set("icon1", Skycons.PARTLY_CLOUDY_NIGHT);

      // want to remove one altogether? no problem:

Skycons were designed for [Forecast]( by those wacky folks
at The Dark Sky Company, and were heavily inspired by Adam Whitcroft's
excellent [Climacons]( The source code has
been released into the public domain, so please do with it as you see fit! ♡